How does being a member of a synagogue make your life better?
It is a question that is asked often. It depends on what you mean by “better.”
If you mean physically healthier, it won’t. Join a gym
If you mean more physically beauty, it won’t. Go to a beauty salon – make-up artist.
If you mean richer, it won’t. Get a higher paying job.
If you mean more knowledgeable, it won’t. Go to a therapist.
The list goes on ………………………………………………….. But here is what joining a synagogue will do.
Being part of a synagogue allows you to be part of a larger community – of your people.
Being part of a synagogue means promulgating values that you and your tradition hold dear.
Being part of a synagogue teaches future generations that being a Jew matters.
Being part of a synagogue means there will always be High Holidays services for you and the community.
Being part of a synagogue means you will always have a place to turn when you are in need.
Being part of a synagogue means that there is always Torah in your community.
Being part of a synagogue means that you have a spiritual home.
Being Part of a synagogue means your values are played out through social justice.
Being part of a synagogue means that Israel has an advocate in the community.
Being part of a synagogue means that you take responsibility for the next generation, like the previous one did for you.
We live in a world that speaks of consumer values; “What do I get if I pay?” Judaism is a people, religion, nation, culture, ethnicity more that transcends that question; ask instead, “What will being part of our community do for our world, for all people, for our people, for our community?”
Cuban Hebrew Congregation of Miami, Inc.
Cuban Hebrew Congregation of Miami, Inc. 1700 Michigan Avenue Miami Beach, FL 33139 US