Las FDI informaron que los terroristas que mantuvieron cautivos a los niños Ariel y Kfir Bibas en Gaza los asesinaron “con sus propias manos” semanas después de su secuestro el 7 de octubre de 2023.
“Podemos confirmar que el bebé Kfir Bibas, de tan solo 10 meses, y su hermano mayor Ariel, de cuatro años, fueron brutalmente asesinados por terroristas mientras estaban retenidos como rehenes en Gaza a más tardar en noviembre de 2023.
“Estos dos niños inocentes fueron tomados vivos como rehenes, junto con su madre, Shiri, de su casa el 7 de octubre de 2023″, dijo el portavoz de las FDI, el contralmirante Daniel Hagari, en una declaración televisada.
“Contrariamente a las mentiras de Hamás, Ariel y Kfir no murieron en un ataque aéreo. Ariel y Kfir Bibas fueron asesinados a sangre fría por terroristas”, dice.
“Los terroristas no dispararon a los dos niños pequeños, los mataron con sus propias manos. Después, cometieron actos horribles para encubrir estas atrocidades.
“Esta evaluación se basa tanto en los hallazgos forenses, del proceso de identificación, como en la inteligencia que respalda estos hallazgos. Hemos compartido estos hallazgos, inteligencia y análisis forense con nuestros socios en todo el mundo para que puedan verificarlos”.
Hagari dijo: “El mundo entero debe saber exactamente cómo opera la organización terrorista Hamás. Ariel y Kfir fueron asesinados, y ayer, sus cuerpos fueron devueltos en una ceremonia cínica y cruel en Gaza.
“Shiri Bibas, que debía ser devuelta con sus hijos a Israel como parte del acuerdo, no fue devuelta por Hamás. Hamás mintió y violó el acuerdo.
“El cuerpo que Hamás afirmó falsamente que era de Shiri no era de ella, ni tampoco era de ningún otro rehén. En cambio, Hamás envió el cuerpo de una mujer anónima. Esto es una prueba más de la crueldad bárbara de Hamás“.
Afirma que Israel exige que Shiri Bibas sea devuelta a Israel rápidamente, “de conformidad con el acuerdo”.
“El jueves por la noche confirmamos que uno de los rehenes fallecidos era Oded Lifshitz, de 83 años. Oded fue tomado vivo como rehén junto con su esposa Yocheved por la organización terrorista Yihad Islámica el 7 de octubre de 2023, de su casa en el kibutz Nir Oz.
“El examen forense confirma que Oded también fue asesinado en cautiverio en noviembre de 2023”, indicó Hagari.
“El secuestro y asesinato en cautiverio de Oded, Ariel y el bebé Kfir son crímenes contra la humanidad. El mundo entero debe condenar estos actos bárbaros de terrorismo”, señaló.
“Hoy, nuestros corazones están con Yarden Bibas, el padre de Kfir y Ariel, y el esposo de Shiri, quien fue secuestrado por separado de su esposa e hijos el 7 de octubre y regresó a casa después de 484 días en cautiverio a principios de este mes.
“Haremos todo lo posible para que Shiri y los otros 69 rehenes que siguen retenidos en condiciones horribles y brutales por Hamás en Gaza regresen a casa”.
“Nuestra misión no habrá terminado hasta que todos los rehenes regresen a casa”, añadió Hagari.
January 2025
Dear Cuban Hebrew members:
My name is Josephine Casillas, I am a member of this synagogue since 2008. It is an honor to be the new Cuban Hebrew Congregation of Miami, Inc. President. I want to thank you, for the opportunity to serve as your new President of this beautiful Synagogue, I especially I want to thank our former Madam President, Ms. Becky Koprowski-Cohen for her hard work and support to this synagogue.
Becky was an example of our awakening and joyful reconnecting with one another. She revived spirits and increased our Shabbat attendance. The feedback we are receiving from attendees is that our services are thoughtful and inspiring, thank you to Rabbi Texton for his contribution to our spiritual life.
Our Social services and Worship continue to lead us through our current community congregations with excellent programs, speakers, sermons, events, workshops and reading assignments. Our congregation voted and elected me as the new Cuban Hebrew Congregation Inc. President, I want to thank you, for it. I am honored to serv this congregation with few but devoted members and friends who signed the petition and remind members of the importance of voting.
Our congregation, Last year, helped improve the lives of our community, and member of our congregation.
So, what are the new initiatives and future?
We are working on implementing new projects. Always with the community in mind, we are planning to join with other organizations to aid our elderly community, below are sample of future programs, projects.
· Work with USDA Department to provide food distribution to the community.
· Housing, Rent, Immigration, Electricity social services Referrals
· Concerts, Cultures and Social Programs.
· Work with other organizations for innovative programs/projects for the Community.
· Rabbi Texon will continue work with Torah studies, and conversion classes.
· We will continue with City of Miami Beach events.
We will work on grants if available to hire a part-time specialist who will upgrade our website and social media platforms. to gain the attention of anyone looking for a spiritual home. We want our website to capture who we are and highlight everything we have to offer; we will reveal details soon.
With Hashem help, we are committed to meet the challenges of becoming more active community partners in social justice work, increasing our membership and therefore our income to meet our needs as well as continuing to improve our spiritual life, we need everyone to bring their energy, time, talents and ideas to help us on this journey.
Josephine Casillas
President, 2025
Cuban Hebrew Congregation Inc.
On Saturday December 18, 2021 we were very excited to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Cuban Hebrew Congregation / Temple Beth Shmuel in a magnificent Gala event. The evening started with champagne and hors d oeurves in the cocktail room. Our guests were invited to walk in to a red carpet timeline gallery of pictures and descriptions from where it all began. Beginning in Cuba and coming to Miami, the success of the years in-between to today’s 60 years of celebration. This included a beautiful homage to Ofelia Ruder, The Presidents’ Wall and the Honor Wall which included Rabbi Dow Rozencwaig, Jack Chester, Isaac & Nieves Olemberg, Oscar & Rosa Boruchin and Lorenzo & Lucy Rozencwaig.
The evening continued in the beautiful Olemberg Ballroom where homage was made to the families that were instrumental in keeping the doors open and growing the community for the past 60 years. We invited Mayor Daniella Levin Cava of Miami Dade County and commissioners, Ms. Kristen Castillo presented a Proclamation to the Cuban Hebrew Congregation in honor of 60 years. In addition a special award was given to Becky Kobrowski-Cohen for her valuable contributions to the community. We also invited Mayor Dan Gelber of Miami Beach and commissioners Vice Mayor David Richardson and commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez who presented a Proclamation naming Dec 18, 2021 Cuban Hebrew Congregation Day in honor of the 60thAnniversary. The following people were awarded appreciation certificates for their dedication to the community and to the Cuban Hebrew Congregation growth. The honorees are Avi Ashkenazi, Rosa Boruchin, Rachel Dubelman, Gaby Oleksnianski and Lucy Rozencwaig. A special award was given to Becky Kobrowski-Cohen in recognition for her vision and leadership that has helped the community and Cuban Hebrew Congregation.
After the presentations the party began with dinner, dancing, drinking and being entertained by the fabulous Melina Almodovar and her band. We were treated to a special rendition of Siboney by our own Baritone Rabbi Stephen Texon. Finishing the night we had a tribute to Cuba with Celia Cruz’s Life is a Carnival, maracas and Cuban coffee. If you were not dancing on the dance floor you were dancing in your chair.
We would like to thank all of you who have supported the Cuban Hebrew Congregation and the 60thAnniversary. This would not have been possible without you and our most generous sponsors; Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Olemberg, Brandon Insurance Company, Golden & Glaskow Attorney Firm, Ms. Rosa Boruchin, Ms. Lucy Rozencwaig, Cohen Family, Moncarz Family, Shaike Caterer, Bella Cuba Restaurant, Torah Treasure, Café La Llave, Cuban Cigars, Sentir Cubano, Goya, Little Habana Restaurant and Moises Bakery.
Due to the Covid restrictions and for the safety of our community we were only able to hold 100 guests seating. For all those who wanted to attend and were not able we thank you for your understanding and for your support as donations continue to come in. We will not be waiting another 10 years for our next celebration and we look forward to seeing you at our next cultural or social event.
The Jewish - Cuban community would like to thank the Mayor and Commissioners of the City of Miami Beach for their continued support.
Cuban Hebrew Congregation of Miami, Inc.
Cuban Hebrew Congregation of Miami, Inc. 1700 Michigan Avenue Miami Beach, FL 33139 US